at the university
and excellence
postgraduate courses
the facilities

Known for its world-renowned education, academic flexibility, diverse and vibrant campus environments, and #1 for research and development, the United States is one of the world’s top study destinations. The US offers international students the option to study several different programmes, including Associate, Bachelor’s, Pre-master’s, Master’s degrees, and Doctorate or PhD. Students also have the option to begin their undergraduate studies through preparatory and pathway programs.
Location and territories
The US is the third-largest nation in the world in terms of landmass and population. The country is divided into 50 states plus the District of Columbia and grouped into six regions, Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, West, and Pacific. Popular cities amongst international students include the capital city Washington DC, Boston, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.
People, culture & languages
Americans have high regard for independence and equality and are generally friendly, helpful, direct and open people. Being one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world, people speak a variety of languages depending on their family background. The main language, however, is English, with many also speaking Spanish. When it comes to food, cultural diversity becomes even more evident by the varieties of cuisine available. Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Indian, the list goes on. If you can name it, then you can probably find it.
The United States, in general, has a continental climate meaning cold winters and hot summers. However, there are wide temperature variations because of the large size of the country. Summer in the northern states is warmer during the day, with cool mornings and nights, whereas the temperatures in the southern states and tropical areas get very high. In the fall, the temperature drops around the whole country, making the weather cooler. The southern state experience mild winters, whereas the northern, northeastern, midwestern, western mountains and the Great Plains regions experience snow and much colder temperatures. Spring brings with it warm weather, thunderstorms and rainstorms throughout the country.