Physiotherapists are Healthcare Medical Doctors – “professionals” who are experts in movement and function disorders. They assess, diagnose, and plan a scientific workout plan to treat, and prevent disease and disability through physical means by using their knowledge and skills to improve a range of conditions associated with different systems of the body, such as:
- Neurological (stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s)
- Neuromusculoskeletal (back pain, whiplash associated disorder, sports injuries, arthritis)
- Cardiovascular (chronic heart disease, rehabilitation after heart attack)
- Respiratory (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis)
Physiotherapy can help recover from injury, reduce pain and stiffness, and increase mobility. A physiotherapist can also help you prevent further injury by listening to your needs and working with you to plan the most appropriate treatment for your condition, including setting goals and treatment outcomes. Physiotherapy plays an important role in the recovery of stroke patients. It also plays a major role in treating children with cerebral palsy and also plays a vital role in cardio pulmonary rehabilitation.
In Year 2000 the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) passed its Vision 2020 statement, which states (in part): “By 2020, physical therapy will be provided by physical therapists who are “Doctors of physical therapy”, recognized by consumers and other health care professionals as the practitioners of choice to whom consumers have direct access for the diagnosis of, interventions for, and prevention of impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities related to movement, function, and health.”
A Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree is a post-A/L (Advanced Level), 4 ½ year degree which may be conferred upon successful completion of a professional doctoral program. A Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree is also offered for those who already hold a professional Bachelor or Master of Physical Therapy (PT or MPT) degree. As of 2015, all accredited 4 ½ year physical therapist programs offered by any recognised International Commonwealth University are “Doctor of Physiotherapy” programs.
[expand title=”What is Physiotherapy?” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Physiotherapy, also called physical therapy, is a physio-therapeutic system of medicine used to treat pain by using pain relieving methods such as interferential therapy, ultrasonic, short wave diathermy, wax therapy, and muscle strengthening exercises.
The Aim of this undergraduate Course is to impart in-depth knowledge and skill to the students to become competent in the physical diagnosis techniques and to develop proper attitude required for the practice of physiotherapy and to carry out treatment.
I year: Human Anatomy, Physiology including Therapeutic Physiology & Biochemistry, Psychology, Sociology, Bio-Mechanics of Human motion.
II year: Pharmacology, Pathology & Microbiology, Therapeutics, Electrotherapy, Research, methodology Biostatistics
III year: General Medicine ,General Surgery, Orthopedics & Traumatology, Orthopedics and Sports Physiotherapy ,Cardio-Respiratory & General Physiotherapy.
IV year: Neurology & Neurosurgery, Neuro-Physiotherapy , Community Medicine and Community Based Rehabilitation.
Apart from the subjects listed above there are other ancillary subjects which are not for University examinations.
[expand title=”Career Opportunities” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Once you are Graduated, you can consider employment in ,……
Physiotherapists work in a variety of specialisms in health and social care. Additionally, some physiotherapists are involved in education, research and service management.
Thus they can work in all sectors of healthcare, including public hospitals, private practice, rehabilitation centres, sporting clubs and community health centres.
Physiotherapy training was introduced in India in the year of 1952. This health service is one of the most popular and sought after treatment in western countries.
[expand title=”Post Graduate Opportunities” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
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