[expand title=”What is Journalism?” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Bachelor of Arts in journalism is a Professional Degree which gives students the opportunity to develop skills in communication, research, computer and technology, editing and writing, Public Relations and Event Management, History of Media, Ethics and Mass media Law, Media criticism, Web design, Broadcasting news, Copy Editing and Design, Public Opinion and Editorial Analysis, Magazine and Feature Writing, social media managing, professional blogging etc,… which can be applied to print, web, broadcasting, and media journalism. Further it offers students the option of choosing a concentration in an area of journalism, such as photojournalism or multimedia journalism. Students can hone their writing and multimedia skills, and they are expected to complete internship and practicum hours related to the field.
Journalism students will learn how to remain within the guidelines of proper citation, avoiding slander, determining public versus private figure status, working with informants, composing articles fit for web and print media. While the fundamentals of journalism have remained intact, the medium has changed greatly with the surge in web, blogging, and social media outlets as a means of obtaining news and information.
The new age of business, politics and infotainment is all about communication. News and events shape the future of our worlds. And besides the newsreader, is a host of professionals – all qualified and dedicated with one sole mission… to bring the action to your drawing room… in all its live excitement.
[expand title=”What is Psychology?” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Students get fundamental training in humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, and they learn about concepts, theories, strategies and tactics that apply to human behaviour. It will offer you a concentration or specialization in human development or organizational studies.
Students receive an overview of several areas of psychology, such as Abnormal Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Health Psychology, Industrial & Organisational Psychology, Physiology and developmental psychology. They study topics such as the following:
- Perception
- Psychological research methods
- Cognitive psychology
- Child development & Child Psychology
- Personality theories
Furthermore, psychology students are encouraged to engage in research and participate in internships and other hands-on activities. While a Post Graduate Diploma / Degree and licensure is required to become a clinical psychologist, majoring in psychology at the bachelor’s level can lead to entry-level work in human or social services agencies and prepare students for Masters & PhD in Clinical Psychology.
[expand title=”What is English Language Major?” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Students will be studying deep in Poetry, Drama, Prose and Aspects of Language. World English Literature (European & Non-European writing), Applied Phonetics, Conversational English, Advertising, Public relations etc,… The curriculum exhibits an impressive variety, comprising courses on Literature, Culture, Gender, Ecology, Cinema, Linguistics, History, Indian Epics, Narratology, Paragraph Writing, Reading Comprehension, Remedial Grammar etc,..
The programme attempts to inculcate in students
- study skills, listening skills, reading skills, writing skills, search skills in library and in online databases, editing skills, bibliographic skills, dissertation skills, and critiquing skills.
- an introductory exposure to methods and methodologies in literary, cultural and historical domains.
- the ability to understand the complex dynamics of literary genres.
- the capability to interpret texts with critical, aesthetic, and ethical sensitivity.
- a higher consciousness of varied contemporary and decisive socio-political and cultural issues.
- an exposure to professional contexts and challenges.
- a preparedness to join higher education programmes in any premier institution in the world.
[expand title=”Career Opportunities” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Once you are Graduated, you can consider employment in ,……
All universities and faculties we admit our students, have career centres that can help you determine the area of focus that best suits your talents.
[expand title=”Journalism Careers?” tag=”h4″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
If you are excited about current events and the changing world in which we live, then journalism may be just the career for you! With the excellent writing and communication skills that journalists must have, we are in demand more than ever in a world of constantly flowing and changing information.
They say ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’. The influence that the media commands over global events and decision making processes can never be overemphasized. The world over, journalists rank among the most influential and many enjoy almost iconic status.
As a journalist, you will be in the thick of cutting-edge stories, sometimes walking political lines, covering world and local events, natural disasters, crimes, and controversial stories.
Search engines such as Google are becoming increasingly savvy about producing journalistic works from professional, well-written, and properly documented sources. Digital and print media companies are now hiring individuals with journalism, English, public relations, and communications degree’s to manage their social media, blog, and news campaigns.
[expand title=”Psychology Careers?” tag=”h4″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
A Bachelor of Arts in Psychology can lead to careers in social services, counselling, human services or community relations.
While a doctoral degree and licensure is required to become a clinical psychologist, majoring in psychology at the bachelor’s level can lead to entry-level work in human or social services agencies and prepare students for Masters & PhD in Clinical Psychology.
[expand title=”English Language Teaching Careers?” tag=”h4″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Many who master in the English subject in the Degree pursue towards being a school teacher or University Lecturer after doing a Post-graduation.
[expand title=”Other Career Opportunities” tag=”h4″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
These Graduates are absorbed by National & international NGOs such as WHO, UNO, UNDP, RED CROSS, . Service organization, Call Centers, etc,…
Also as this is a Government University Degree, You can sit for any following Government exam to enter the elite Government service;
- SLAS (Sri Lanka Administrative Service Exam
- SLEAS (Sri Lanka Education Administrative Service
- SLOS (Sri Lanka Overseas Service)
Further prospective job opportunities are ;
- English teacher
- Author
- Advertising agent
- Translator
- Writer
- Scriptwriter
- Research analyst
[expand title=”Post Graduate Opportunities” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Postgraduate Opportunities in Sri Lanka or Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA etc,.. with the intention of processing for PR in those countries:
Following are only a few related Post Graduate degrees. There are many other Masters programmes you can apply to. We will be guiding you through the process to select the best suited course.
- MIB (International Business)
- M.A in Journalism
- M.A. Magazine Journalism
- M.A. in English with Communication Studies
- M.A. in Public relations & Corporate Communication
- M.A. in Mass Communication
- M.Sc in Clinical Psychology
- M.A. in Psychology
- M.A. in Sociology
- M.A. in Personnel Management
- M.A. in Human Resource Management
- Master of Social Work (M.S.W)
Comparative Annual Expenditure of Studying Abroad
University Education in Indian Government Commonwealth Universities is the most cost effective and internationally recognized higher educational pathway for Sri Lankans if not selected to a Government University in Sri Lanka.

The burning question is ….. Are you ready? Similar initiatives are cropping up all over the globe. Our personal behaviors must change, and education is the way forward.
Educating the future generation increase achievement in applying innovative technology and master skills for life work and citizenship in the 21st Century.
We are involved in Educating Sri Lankan and Maldivian Advanced Level qualified students, in Indian Universities : This programme “STUDY OVERSEAS” is run by the esteem Sri Lankan institution AMASA INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES, in Association with GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL YOUTH EDUCATION FOUNDATION’’ since 1991.
We do highly recommend you to study in an India Government University and increase the standard and quality of life as an internationally qualified university graduate and become a valuable asset to the country. There are many other benefits for you and the country in studying in India – visit the site www.studyoverseas.lk
For further information call 0777 840028.