An undoubtedly a fascinating and challenging stream. It is very much related to economic, social, cultural and technological developments of the society, From fuelling our growth to creating healthier diets to preparing better tasting foods to gaining greater understanding of disease and prevention and increased food safety – which has a big impact on our lives.
This course will prepare you for a great career in the “science of food & health”. The course will include Guest lectures, industrial tours, training programmes, workshops and seminars, hospital visits, diet camps, extension activities etc to learn the engineering, biology and physical science of food. What is
[expand title=”What is Food Nutrition?” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism. It includes food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion.
[expand title=”What is Dietetics?” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
This education prepares students to use advanced knowledge about food and nutrition to help prevent and treat disease and maintain and promote health.
Graduates will understand that nutrition is the single most important factor in determining a person’s health, and they are equipped to translate and use scientific nutrition information in the development of programmes to improve the nutrition of individuals and groups according to needs dictated by age, preference, culture, finances and facilities.
[expand title=”Salaries” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
As of May 2012, the Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labour states that the mean annual salary for Registered Dietitians nationally was $56,170.
In Sri Lanka Nutritionists & Dietitians are getting a salary varying from Rs. 25000 to 150 000 & even more.
[expand title=”Career Opportunities” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Once you are Graduated, you can consider employment in ,……
The study of food, nutrition and dietetics offers you entry to a dynamic profession with a myriad of opportunities. Nutrition experts will fill the increasing demand for dietetic professionals. As society embraces healthy eating and preventive illness education, the demand for dietetics personnel increases.
Food is a multi-billion dollar annual industry; half of all meals are eaten outside the home, and 30 percent of all new food products are designed to meet nutritional goals. Career opportunities in food-related professions are expanding rapidly. Employers increasingly seek university graduates with educational experience in liberal arts, food, nutrition, and management.
You can use your education in Nutrition and Dietetics as a step to becoming a:
- Clinical dietitian in hospital or other health care facility
- Food or restaurant manager / Owner
- Food and health reporter
- Editor, advertising or marketing specialist
- Catering manager
- Food & Drug Inspector / Health Inspector
- Dietitian / nutritionist
- Quality analyst in food / Pharmaceutical industries.
- Fitness expert.
- Consultant / Dietary Supervisor
- Teacher or professor in School or University
- Sports nutritionist for colleges or professional teams
- Researcher with food or pharmaceutical companies or Universities
- Quality control manager
- Public relations and marketing in food and nutrition related businesses
- Nutrition expert in ICDS, FSSAI, UNICEF, WHO.
[expand title=”Post Graduate Opportunities” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Postgraduate Opportunities in Sri Lanka or Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA etc,.. with the intention of processing for PR in those countries:
- M.Sc in Food Nutrition & Dietetics
- M.Sc in clinical nutrition & Dietetics.
MBA in Health Care Management M.Sc in Biotechnology
M.Sc in clinical nutrition & Dietetics.
1st Semester | 2nd Semester | 3rd Semester | 4th Semester | 5th Semester | 6th Semester |
Plant food science | Animal food science | Life span nutrition | Nutrition through life cycle | Food microbiology-I | Food microbiology-II |
Principles of nutrition | Human nutrition | Dietetics | Diet therapy | Nutritional biochemistry-I | Nutritional biochemistry-II |
Human physiology-I | Human physiology-II | Chemistry-I | Chemistry-II | Therapeutic diet | Clinical dietetics |
English | English | Computer Application-I | Computer Application-II | Food laws and food standards | Quality control |
Languages* | Languages* | Computer Application-I | Computer Application-II | Principles of preservation | Food preservation |
Languages* | Languages* | Computer Application-I | Computer Application-II | Chemistry-III | Chemistry-IV |
Internship |
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