Civil engineering is one of the world’s great professions. They keep us switched on and powered up by supplying electricity and gas to our homes. They give us clean water and purify it so we can use it again. They build all sorts of things so we can get around, from roads, tunnels and bridges to railways, sub ways, and sea ports and airports, Dams and systems for water supply and sewage treatment.
Civil engineers also do lots of other things like finding clever ways of recycling our waste, and finding solutions to problems like pollution.
Civil engineers design, build, renovate, supervise, operate, and maintain construction projects and systems in the both public and private sector.
[expand title=”What is Civil Engineering” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Programs in civil engineering include in depth understanding in Advanced mathematics, physics, chemistry, statistics, engineering mechanics and systems, fluid dynamics, ethics, geology and hydrology, surveying, thermodynamics and structural analysis.
In-depth proficiency in Computer-aided design (CAD) systems is essential to make it easy to modify designs and generate working blueprints for construction crews.
Courses include a mix of traditional classroom learning, fieldwork and laboratory courses in which they analyse substances ranging from soil, concrete to structural steel. These courses help students identify basic properties of materials, as well as potential problems from using them. Pre-major courses may also cover fundamental engineering principles and concepts.
Civil engineers work on complex projects, so they usually specialize in one of following several areas.
- Construction engineers manage construction projects, ensuring that they are scheduled and built in accordance with plans and specifications. These engineers typically are responsible for the design and safety of temporary structures used during construction.
- Geotechnical engineers work to make sure that foundations are solid. They focus on how structures built by civil engineers, such as buildings and tunnels, interact with the earth (including soil and rock). In addition, they design and plan for slopes, retaining walls, and tunnels.
- Structural engineers design and assess major projects, such as buildings, bridges, or dams, to ensure their strength and durability.
- Transportation engineers plan, design, operate, and maintain everyday systems, such as streets and highways, but they also plan larger projects, such as airports, ship ports, mass transit systems, and harbors.
They will be qualified to plan every stage of a major construction project. That can include site selection, drawing the construction plan, writing specifications for processes and materials, reviewing bids from subcontractors, ensuring compliance with building codes, and supervising all phases of construction from grading and earth moving to painting and finishing.
[expand title=”Career Opportunities” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
Once you are Graduated, you can consider employment in ,……
Civil engineers work in a variety of locations and conditions. When working on designs, civil engineers may spend most of their time indoors in offices. However, construction engineers may spend much of their time outdoors at construction sites monitoring operations or solving onsite problems. Some jobs may require frequent relocation to different areas and offices in job site trailers.
Many civil engineers work in design, construction, research, and education, while some hold supervisory or administrative positions ranging from supervisor of a construction site to city engineer, public works director, and city manager.
Civil engineers typically work full time, and about 1 in 4 work more than 40 hours per week. Engineers who direct projects may need to work extra hours to monitor progress of the projects, to ensure that designs meet requirements, and to guarantee that deadlines are met.
Civil engineers do a lot more than design buildings and bridges. They can be found in the aerospace industry, designing jetliners and space stations; in the automotive industry, perfecting the load-carrying capacity of a chassis and improving the crashworthiness of bumpers and doors; and they can be found in the ship building industry, the power industry, and many other industries wherever constructed facilities are involved.
Employment of civil engineers is projected to grow 8 percent from 2014 to 2024, as infrastructure continues to age, civil engineers will be needed to manage projects to rebuild bridges, repair roads, and upgrade levees and dams as well as airports and buildings.
[expand title=”Post Graduate Opportunities” tag=”h3″ rel=”animal-highlander”]
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